With so many options to choose, what sets Wallace Capital Funding, LLC apart?
With an estimated 5,500 financial institutions in the United States, there are lots of options for you to choose from. Whether you need a rehab loan or you need financing on the purchase of an investment property, it is important to trust your lender.
This was the case for one Wallace Capital Funding, LLC client who felt overwhelmed with so many options and wanted to know what makes us different from everyone else.
The biggest difference?
Our membership with the Small Business Financial Exchange (SBFE). SBFE is a trade association of business lenders and merchant acquirers that advocates “for the safe and secure growth of small businesses.”
SBFE has a group of certified lenders that help small businesses get an accurate look of their credit history and Wallace Capital Funding, LLC is the only real estate lender that is a member.
Who else are members of SBFE?
Large financial institutions such as American Express, Bank of America, PNC Bank, Wells Fargo and more just to name a few.
It’s no coincidence that Wallace Capital Funding is on the same stage as these multibillion dollar banks and other financial institutions. And oftentimes, they are not conducting the same services as WCF including the Business Fund Analysis and getting them various lines of credit.

The Small Business Financial Exchange is a trade association of business lenders that advocates “for the safe and secure growth of small businesses” (Small Business Financial Exchange)
Well, that’s impressive but what else makes Wallace Capital Funding, LLC different?
It’s our ability to report on business credit profiles.
Reporting on business credit profiles allows us to have more lines of credit (i.e. more money) for our clients than traditional institutions. The same institutions that are known to corner their clients into continuously working with them in an expensive and never-ending cycle.
They don’t want their clients to end in better places. We do.
One WCF client had several investment properties but for one of them, he needed money to fix it up.
He was looking for good terms in funding like a thirty-year mortgage rate.
He had decent income in that property but wanted to transition into a different stage in life and take advantage of other opportunities.
To do this, he needed access to additional funds.
He also wanted the opportunity to not be in the same position by getting a line of credit from the bank.
Working with Wallace Capital Funding gave him the chance to not only get him funding to fix his properties but reporting on his credit profile allowed him to get multiple lines of credit.
Now, he has flexibility to cash out on his properties and invest in others.
If you too would like flexibility in your investment properties, Wallace Capital Funding, LLC can help. Whether you need funding for new equipment, financing commercial real estate, or to cover staff expenses before your contract payment comes through, Wallace Capital Funding, LLC can create a custom funding solution that’s right for you.
Our consultants will report on your business credit profile to help ensure you can get the cash your business needs. You can also join WCF’s mailing list, which can be found on our website or give us a call at 1-800-809-5629 to learn more.